A review of Watford Police Station by Anoymous written on Monday 26th of September 2011
My granddaughter was caught shoplifting in Primark with a group of girls when she was 15yrs old. It was a pier presssure thing and the item stolen was under a £1 in value. She was taken to your station and interviewed were she broke down completely and was very full of remorse. It was completely out of character and she was devestated that she had done it.
Having just started college to do a course on The care of children in early years a CRB check was needed and the repremand is on file and having a bad effect on her gaining a work experience post at a primary school in her area. I know she should have been delt with severely but I was watching a program on the TV over the weekend called Soho Blues and a similar situation accured and the person involved was let off,this is not fair as she was so sorry when this happened and should have been given the benefit of just being to told to go and dont come back to Primark again why do you treat one person one way and a genuine case of remorse another, it is having a detrimental effect on her future. .
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Map showing Watford Police Station on Shady Lane